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Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery with the Ideal Life Audit. In just 30 minutes to an hour, this course empowers you to envision your ideal life and assess your current trajectory. Through reflection and action, you’ll gain clarity on where you want to go and how to get there.

Course Outline:

  1. Envision Your Ideal Life (15 minutes)
    • Define Your Vision: Spend 15 minutes envisioning and writing out your ideal life. Craft a vision that’s within your grasp with focus, discipline, and effort.
    • Set Intentions: Set a timer for this exercise, then let your vision rest for at least a day, allowing it to percolate in your mind.
  2. Assess Your Current Path (15 minutes)
    • Reflect on Your Future: Spend another 15 minutes imagining what your life will look like in 10 years if you continue on your current path.
    • Evaluate All Areas: Consider various aspects of your life, including work, fitness, health, relationships, and personal fulfilment.
  3. Compare and Contrast (5 minutes)
    • Analyze the Gap: Take 5 minutes to compare your ideal life vision with your projected future on the current path.
    • Identify Discrepancies: Highlight any gaps between your desired future and your expected trajectory.
  4. Action Planning and Progress Check-In (5 minutes)
    • Chart Your Course: Reflect on insights gained and brainstorm actionable steps to bridge the gap between reality and your ideal life.
    • Schedule a Check-In: Plan a progress check-in call to discuss findings, challenges, and strategies for moving forward.